FAUST CTF 2017 Doodle Writeup
02.06.2017 by Ben
Although we were a bit late to the party of exploitation, I nevertheless liked the idea behind doodle's vulnerability, so I decided to do a write-up (even if there is not first-blood money coming...)
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02.06.2017 by Ben
Although we were a bit late to the party of exploitation, I nevertheless liked the idea behind doodle's vulnerability, so I decided to do a write-up (even if there is not first-blood money coming...)
01.06.2017 by Oliver
Having achieved first blood for this service in the FaustCTF 2017, we, the Saarsec team and in particular the subteam that cracked this service, were given the opportunity to provide a write-up for the Smartscale challenge. Hence. in this write-up we will explain how Smartscale works and how to attack and defend it.
05.04.2017 by Ben
saarsec will offer a CTF workshop